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Ms. Shine's class recently presented their projects for assembly. They were super!


Sincere thanks to all who supported our Croagh Patrick Climb last Saturday to raise funds to develop our playground . It was a glorious day for the climb and although we were all nursing aching muscles on Monday it was well worth it !


6 th class students participated in First Aid training today. They learned lots of life saving skills.Thank you to Stephen Leonard memorial Cycle  and Dave from Cohort Recruiting and Training.

01/05/2024   Spelling Bee

Congratulations to Fifth Class pupil Dylan who finished in second place in the county final of the Easons Spelling Bee competition - A great achievement!


Congratulations to the pupils who won the Easter Eggs in our Parents' Association's Easter Egg Raffle today.


Lá Glas a bhí ann i Scoil Mhichil Naofa ar an 15ú Márta. Bhí tionól bunaithe ar an téama againn. Rinne ranganna taispeántas as Gaeilge. Bhain gach duine taitneamh as, bhí craic agus spraoi againn!



On Thursday, 7th March, we celebrated World Book Day. Well done to all who dressed up. It was a great day!



On Friday, March 1st, we held our Wellbeing Day in aid of Pieta House. It was a very enjoyable day for pupils and staff alike. Pupils participated in lots of activities on the day such as yoga sessions, art activities, games and class-based discussions about various aspects of wellbeing such as self-affirmation and mindfulness. Thank you to all who donated. We raised a total of € 585!



Well done to all our pupils and staff who took part in our annual Marathon Relay today!


Congratulations to the students of the week this week. Keep up the great work!


Thank you to Paula O'Connor from "Don't be mean behind your screen" who facilitated a workshop for our sixth classs pupils about Online Safety. Paula spoke about gaming, cybersafety and creating a digital footprint. Our pupils really enjoyed the workshop and found it very informative.


Well done to the students announced as Students of the Week for this week. Superb work by all!

Some lovely colourful art is on display in the corridors of St. Michael's:


This week we celebrated Anti-Bullying Week in St. Michael's. All week, the student councill were making announcements on the intercom about the pupils' activities. Pupils watched videos, participated in anti-bullying discussions, completed art activities and played games.

We finished the week off with an anti-bullying themed assembly. In this assembly, Ms. Metcalfe's 2nd class pupils said a rap, recited a poem and gave really good advice to their peers about what to do if they experience bullying in any form. Our 6th class pupils also recited a poem. All winners of the anti-bullying poster competition presented their winning posters and explained the messages their posters portrayed. It was a very informative assembly, enjoyed by all:

A big well done to the students of the week this week. Keep up the great work!

The sixth class pupils received their Class of 2024 hoodies this week. They are wearing them on PE days with great pride:

Classes are carrying out fantastic work as part of our 30 Days of Positivity Challenge. Well done to all!


This week in St. Michael's, we celebrated Catholic Schools Week. The pupils participated in activities each day based on the following themes:

Service in Our Community of Friends

Service in Our School Community

Service in Our Family Community

Service in Our Local Community

Service in Our Faith Community

As part of our Catholic Schools Week assembly, Ms. Ibs' 5th class pupils read out the prayers that they wrote during the week and the whole school sang two songs together, 'We Sing a Song to Brigid' and 'Thank You My Lord'.

On Tuesday, 23rd January, and Wednesday, 24th January, we held a Grandparents' Day in the school, as part of the Service in Our Family Community theme. Some pupils' grandparents visited the school and their grandchild's classroom. They chatted with the class and had a cup of tea and a sweet treat with the pupils. It was a lovely morning, enjoyed by all. We would like to greatly thank all the grandparents who took the time out of their day to participate in this.

We were very proud of the sixth class pupils today on making their Confirmation in St. Patrick's Church. They represented the school so well and with utmost integrity. Well done boys!

Congratulations to this week's Students of the Week. These pupils have shown a great example to their peers. Well done boys!


Classes have been working hard since the beginning of the new term. Below are some examples of their fantastic work:


Happy New Year from all the pupils and staff in St. Michael's! Congratulations to the students of the week. They have had a brilliant start to 2024!


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